Wednesday 21 March 2018


Paella is quite simple to make. You will fall in love with the smell and taste.
Let me show you one type of paella. We’ll start with seafood paella.


Olive oil

100gr of rice per person

Double and a half the amount of rice in volume of boiling fish broth


Chopped squids and cuttlefish

Clams and mussels

1 onion, sliced or minced

Red pepper cut into strips

1cup of green peas

Artichokes (Opcional)


2 red grated tomatoes

Salt, black pepper, paprika (a half teaspoon)

1 teaspoon of sugar


Chopped until well mixed: parsley, a garlic glove, 6 toasted almonds, 6 toasted hazelnuts, 6 pine nuts, 2 strands toasted saffron or a tea spoon of turmeric and salt.

Put the oil in a paella pan over a medium-high heat; add the minced clove of garlic, then add the prawns fry them for 1 minute remove them and set aside.

Add the chopped onion into the pan. When the onion becomes golden, add the sliced squids. 
Then, add the paprika and immediately add grated tomatoes, add salt, pepper and a teaspoon of sugar. Stir a little. Then add the vegetables.

Now, add the rice, you can season it with salt.  Stir just a little and the taste will be well integrated.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC

Put the clams and mussels in a pot without water (you can pour in a glass of white wine) over a medium-high heat until they open. Do not pour the water off (clams and mussels release water). We will add it to the fish stock to boil the rice.

Now add the broth into the paella. Let it boil for 5 minutes and add the chopped mixture. Turn down to a medium heat for 12-15 minutes or you could finish the cooking in the oven. Heat it to 180ºC.

If the liquid is absorbed before finishing we will add some hot water
Let stand for 5 minutes before serving.

You could combine whatever ingredients you have around or depending on the season.


Avui paella d epeix


Oli d'oliva

100gr d'arròs per persona

Doble i la meita de quantitat d'arròs en volum de brou de peix 


Calamars i sèpies picades

Cloïsses i musclos

1 ceba, tallada a rodanxes o picada

Pebrot vermell tallat a tires

1 tassa de pèsols 

Carxofes (Opcional)


2 tomàquets rallats vermells

Sal, pebre negre, pebre vermell (mitja cucharadita)

1 cullerada de sucre


Picat fins que quedi ben barrejat: julivert, gra d'all, 6 ametlles torrades, 6 avellanes torrades, 6 pinyons, 2 torres de safrà torrat o una cullerada de cúrcuma i sal.

Posar l'oli en una paella a foc mitjà-alt; afegiu els grans d'all picat i afegiu les gambes fregint-les durant 1 minut, retireu-les. Afegiu la ceba picada a la paella. Quan la ceba es torna daurada, afegiu els calamars a rodanxes i la sèpia. A continuació, afegiu el pebre vermell i afegiu immediatament tomàquets rallats, afegiu sal, pebre i una culleradeta de sucre. Remeneu una mica. A continuació, afegiu les verdures i la cúrcuma.

Ara, afegiu l'arròs, saleu. Remeneu una mica perquè el sabor quedi ben integrat.

Preescalfeu el forn a 180ºC

Posar les cloïsses i els musclos en una olla sense aigua (es pot abocar en un got de vi blanc) a foc mitjà-alt fins que s'obrin. No llençar l'aigua (les cloïsses i els musclos alliberen l'aigua). L'hi afegirem després al caldo de peix.

Abocarem el brou calent a la paella. Deixarem bullir durant 5 minuts i afegiu la picada. Baixeu a foc mig durant 12-15 minuts o bé podeu acabar la cocció al forn. Escalfeu-lo a 180ºC.

Si el líquid s'absorbeix abans d'acabar, afegirem aigua calenta

Deixar reposar 5 minuts abans de servir.

Ja la teniu llesta !!! fàcil i bonìssima!!!

Thursday 15 March 2018

Food,I love you. Tv show from Ukraine/ Russia with Vladimir Dantes. Check minute 10

 It's a beautiful show about food and the most delicious show about traveling!

It is the first culinary travel-show and the best guide to the most unusual, appetizing, tasty attractions worldwide.
In each city, three hosts, using culinary lots, decide which one of them is going to explore the chic restaurants, who is going to find the best street food, and who is going to cook local national homemade dish in a friendly family of locals. Friends try exquisite delicacies and cheap simple cuisine masterpieces- and they will tell you about the food in a way that you will not resist trying it yourself!
At the end of each episode, food experts meet up for a culinary challenge. And the one who appears to be weak and less prepared, will go for a strict, not always delicious, and sometimes dangerous punishment!
Thanks to eatwith this experience it has been possible. I'm very grateful

Friday 19 January 2018


           Do you want to enjoy an authentic paella or fideuà?

Be my guest for a traditional homemade meal. 
I invite you to come at my home, which is located in a beautiful peaceful neighbourhood in Barcelona. You will have the chance to have a drink in the terrace hearing the birds sing, while you wait for the meal. Afterwards, we will have lunch inside the flat.

The recipe will be no secret for you after that. To start off, I will offer you some drinks. You can enjoy the little terrace which has a great view on a green courtyard.

If you want to help me cooking or want to see how I do it, you are more than welcome! I will as well give you the recipe so that you can try it at home!

In case you don't like paella or fideuà, you might like to have a look at my cooking blog and tell me if you prefer something different.

Come and have a total local experience, eat healthy and homemade food and share travel and cooking experiences!

Click below for more information

Friday 23 October 2015

Simple dried beans – Mongetes seques molt simples de fer


Quite simple but really delicious.


1 kilo Dried beans
A bay leaf
1 onion
4 cloves
A slice of belly pork
1 black pudding
Salt, pepper and olive oil

Soak them overnight.
Drain and rinse the beans.
Then transfer to a pot.
Add salt and pepper, a bay of leaf, an onion stuck with cloves and the slice of belly pork.
Add water to cover by 2”
Bring to boil then reduce to simmer and cook for 1h and a half.
Checking until 1h and add the black pudding. Add salt if necessary.
Remove from heat.
Serve with a piece of belly pork and black pudding. Sprinkle with parsley and pour some oil on it.


Es una recepta molt senzilla de fer però està boníssima.


1 kl de mongetes
Una fulla de llorer
1 ceba
4 clavells
Un tall de cansalada
1 botifarra negre i una de blanca si es vol
Sal, pebre i oli d'oliva

Deixarem les mongetes en remull durant la nit.
Les col·larem i esbandirem bé.
Posarem les mongetes dins una olla.
Hi tirarem sal i pebre, una fulla de llorer, la ceba sencera , on hi clavarem els 4 clavells i la cansalada.
Ho cobrirem amb quatre dits per sobre, d’aigua.
Ha de coure 1h i mitja a foc lent
Quan hagi passat una hora li afegim les botifarres i rectifiquem de sal si cal.
Ho traurem del foc i les servirem amb una mica de suc de la cocció, un tros de cansalada i botifarra negre. Una mica de julivert i un raig d’oli d’oliva.