Wednesday 11 September 2013

Marinated tuna - Tonyina en escabetx


4 tuna steaks
3 onions
3 cloves of garlic, unpeeled
1 cup of olive oil
½ cup of white wine vinegar
A bay leaf

Put some of the olive oil in a pan over a medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, fry it (not too much), add salt. Remove the tuna from the pan and set aside on a tray.

Chop the onion into thin slicesIn the same pan, add the rest of the oil. When the oil is hot add the thinly sliced onion, the unpeeled gloves of garlic, the bay leaf, the thyme, the rosemary and the vinegar, add salt. Let it cook slowly for 20 minutes. The onions should be soft.

Spoon the pickled onion mix on top of the tuna and let it stand for a while.

You can serve hot or cold ,it is equally delicious!!!!!


4 talls de tonyina
3 cebes
3 grans d’all sense pelar
1 got d’oli d’oliva
½ got de vinagre de vi blanc
Una fulla de llorer

Posarem una mica d’oli en una paella a foc mig, per fregir-hi la tonyina (no massa), hi tirarem sal.
Retirarem la tonyina del foc i la reservarem en una safata.

Tallarem la ceba ben fineta.En la mateixa paella , hi tirarem la resta d’oli. Quan l’oli sigui calent hi fregirem la ceba, els alls sense pelar, la fulla de llorer, la farigola, el romaní i la sal. Ho deixarem coure a foc lent durant 20 minuts. Les cebes han de quedar ben suaus i lluents.

Passat el temps, tirarem l’escabetx per sobre de la tonyina i ho deixarem que es vagi macerant.

Es pot menjar calent o fred, de les dues maneres és deliciós!!!

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